Happiness is owning a few copies of Harpoon

Rather than being an exhaustive Harpoon site, HarpoonPages is a snapshot in time at roughly 2003. That said, whle many of the hosted scenarios may find a home on other sites, the unique archive of files and utilities you are familiar with will still be here.

Dr. Who's Harpoon Pages was the creation of Dr. Who aka Edward Ladner, longtime supporter of computer Harpoon, especially the HC variant. His Pooner award work was carried on after Ed stepped down. That is until the final award to Mark Gellis in 2012 after which there was not enough interest to support a community vote for Pooner.

Thank you for your Harpoon passion, most remaining chatter happens at http://www.harpgamer.com, please visit us there.


Last Update - April 22, 2015 08:49 PM

Copyright - HarpoonPages.com

Harpoon (and all game variations), Staff Assistant and Battle Set are Registered Trademarks of Larry Bond and Chris Carlson - licensed to AGSI.

All versions of Computer Harpoon (C) 2003 AGSI.